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Functional Flexibility and Rehabilitation Clinic
Featured 03/2019

“Move better, feel better, perform better.” That is the motto of StretchXperience says Steve Mills, owner and founder of the functional flexibility and rehabilitation clinic that recently moved across Silver Spring Dr. into a beautiful new clinic space above Winkie’s after five years on Lake Drive.

Steve previously owned and operated several successful fitness studios in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. During that time, he recognized that clients were often in need of functional flexibility training that couldn’t be met by the current fitness and healthcare system. In 2013 Steve developed a whole-body flexibility program and trained up his practitioners to deliver effective, customized programs to clients, and thus StretchXperience was born! In the process he also developed several proprietary pieces of stabilizing equipment to improve the stretching experience for practitioners and clients.

Since its inception in 2013, StretchXperience has grown to an additional location in Winnetka, IL and has added new programs to meet the needs of their clients.

“The goal of StretchXperience is to provide quality functional flexibility training across a wide spectrum of clients. We have some something for everyone from people in injury recovery, to highly trained athletes.” says Steve.

StretchXperience’s programs focus on improving functional flexibility which they define as, “the ability of the body to easily and safely adapt to changing movement demands placed upon it.” Their philosophy is that functional flexibility training improves health and wellness by improving performance of daily activities, allowing people to maintain or increase their physical activity level, improve sport performance and realize the associated benefits of an active lifestyle.

“We focus our programs on functional flexibility to help bridge the gap between medical care such as Physical Therapy and exercising comfortably on your own.” says Dr. Susan Wilbanks, director of programming at StretchXperience.

“Over time we have expanded our programs to include physical rehabilitation when we saw clients getting stuck between injury recovery and returning to full function. We also recognize the importance of maintenance via corrective exercises and regular stretching, so we offer 30 and 45-minute maintenance programs which are very popular.”

StretchXperience’s practitioners are all trained in Physical Therapy or Athletic Training (Athletic Trainers are healthcare professionals who specialize in injury prevention and rehabilitation for active populations). Practitioners also go through 50+ hours of training in the StretchXperience method.

When asked what the future holds for StretchXperience, Steve and Susan say that new programs are in development for sport-specific training, and they will continue to make changes to existing programs to provide clients with the best possible care.

If you haven’t had a chance to visit StretchXperience, you can learn more on their website at www.stretchxperience.com. They would love to have the chance to meet you and learn how they can partner with you to reach your goals.