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The Merchants of Whitefish Bay strive to improve our community and support all of our Merchant members. We aim to highlight the local establishments to increase awareness for everyone in our neighborhood and beyond. 

The Fox Bay Cinema & Grill

A Classic Theater
Featured 04/2018

Article written by: Kate Fetterley and Olivia Maillet, WFBHS Tower Times

“Classic”. When asked how he would describe the Fox Bay Cinema and
Grill, owner Roman Kelly answered with this simple word. The Cinema first made it’s Whitefish Bay debut in 1951, and ever since has become a local favorite for anyone looking to have a good time at the movies.

Seven months ago, Mr. Kelly found himself between jobs when a good friend suggested purchasing a nearby business for sale. Having lived in Wisconsin his whole life and in Milwaukee for the past 20 years, Roman has a deeper connection than most to the local community. From the beginning, it was clear
to him that the Fox Bay Cinema would be the perfect investment for him. Today, Roman finds himself learning something new about Whitefish Bay and his theater everyday, whether it be from the families that pass through his door or the movies that they come to watch.

In his mind, Mr. Kelly believes that Fox Bay is a great choice for any movie customer thanks to its traditional aspect and close proximity to all corners of Whitefish Bay, and many residents can agree. Roman and the Fox Bay Cinema staff also take pride in knowing many of the cinemas regular customers by only their orders and movie selections. The Fox Bay Cinema has movies that attract people of all ages and preferences. When it comes to picking them, Mr. Kelly states that he strives to “find the right [movie] to draw people in,” and so far in his ownership of the cinema, he has been successful and gained a greater understanding of the theater business.

In the future, Roman looks forward to improving the theater experience for all viewers while still keeping in touch with the unique character that has set the Fox Bay Cinema and Grill apart from the rest for the past six decades. If there were any changes to be made, movie-goers can expect to see some new menu items in the coming months. As of right now, Roman Kelly is focused on making the Fox Bay Cinema and Grill the best it has ever been.